Le Bran(d) Art Commercial
The Bran(d) Art Commercial Director: Stephen J Drouin Photography/Video: Tanya Willis Models: Adam ßerGa & Greis Dragoti Special Thanks To: The Windsor Youth Centre Lady Gaga Germanotta Elton JohnKermit the Frog Miss Piggy Pauline Gottschling Tara Cambridge Vanessa Copeland Mel Kania Lynnette Kania David Lenz Sabin Detroit Cooper Natasha Hanna Nata RoseChristy Litster Kasey Martins J.P. Watters Julia Hall Briana Athena Benore Lindsay Whalen Laura Korf Laura Elizabeth Jessica Ellen Marie Shelby Lynn LaMarre Nelle Royka Zara Dureno I am so blessed to have so many people that are there for me and always inspiring me to carry out my Dreams, Goals, and that making a difference in the world is the only way to go in Life... One must always follow their Mind, Heart, and Soul! Xoxo Ste-Dro